61 Najlepšie veci, ktoré môžete robiť v Grenade (edícia 2021)

Ostrov Grenada v Karibiku je skutočným klenotom. V Grenade je veľa vecí, ale o tomto malom ostrovnom štáte nie je veľa informácií online.

Žili sme tu viac ako 5 rokov, takže v Grenade vieme veľa špeciálnych vecí a tento blog má oveľa viac informácií ako ktorýkoľvek iný online dnes.

Ostrov Spice sa nachádza dosť ďaleko na juh v Karibiku, aby sa vyhli masám cestovného ruchu, ktoré vidia severné ostrovy, napriek tomu je stále dosť ľahké cestovať do Grenada na výletnej lodi alebo priamym letom zo Severnej Ameriky.

V Grenade je veľa vecí, ktoré by ste mohli robiť, môžete stráviť rok a nikdy sa nudiť!

Ak sa pýtate, čo máte robiť v Grenade počas vašej cesty, dostal som vás zakrytý. Tu je môj zoznam 61 najlepších vecí, ktoré môžete robiť v Grenade:

*Tento príspevok bol aktualizovaný v roku 2021. Tieto položky nie sú v žiadnom konkrétnom nákupe a farnosti sú uvedené v zátvorkách.

1. Vyskúšajte „štvorhra“ (St. George) – jedna z najlepších vecí v Grenade pre potraviny
2. Národný park Grand Etang (St. Andrews)
3. La Sagesse Beach (St. David)
4. Sunsets v La Luna (St. George)
5. Plachtenie (St. George)
6. BBQ’s v Grenade (široký ostrov)
7. Dodgy Dock (True Blue, St. George)
8. Hashing: Jedna z najzvláštnejších vecí, ktoré môžete robiť v Grenade (široký ostrov)
9. Potápanie
10. Piatok Bonfire & BBQ (St. George)
11. Whisper Cove Marina (St. David)
12. Ostrov Hog (St. David)
13. Roger’s Bar (ostrov Hog)
14. Carenage sv. Juraja (St. George)
15. Fort George (St. George)
16. Dobrovoľník v GSPCA (St. George)
17. Belmont Estate (St. Patrick)
18. Pozri korytnačky z kože (St. Patrick)
19. River Antoine Rum Distillery (St. Patrick)
20. Marina Pickly Bay (Lance Aux Epines, St. George)
21. Vyskúšajte Oil Down – Grenada’s National Dish (ostrovné)
22. Sunset Sailing (St. George)
23. Levera Beach (St. Patrick)
24. Carib’s Leap (St. Patrick)
25. Royal Mt. Carmel Waterfalls (St. Andrew)
26. Grand Anse Beach: Jedna z najlepších vecí v Grenade! (St. George)
27. Dáždnikový plážový bar (Grand Anse Beach, St. George)
28. Morne Rouge Beach (St. George)
29. Fort Frederick (St. George)
30. Fort Mathew (St. George)
31. Cvičenie jogy (St. George)
32. Annandale Falls (St. George)
33. Laura’s Spice Garden (St. David)
34. Ronda’s Ice Cream (St. David)
35. Levera National Park & ​​Bathway Beach (St. Patrick)
36. Dragon Bay (St. George)
37. Fish piatok v Gouyave (St. John)
38. Vyberte si remeselné pivo (St. George)
39. Exkurzia cyklu (St. George)
40. Karneval (St. George)
41. Kajaková exkurzia (St. David)
42. Hlboký rybolov (dovolenka od St. George)
43. Concord Falls (St. John)
44. Mt. Moritz Breakfast (St. George)
45. Trh sobotného rána Grenada (St. George)
46. ​​Mount. Catherine (St. Mark)
47. Časopis Beach (St. George)
48. Lake Antoine (St. Patrick)
49. Grenada Fish Market (St. George)
50. Black Bay Beach s americkými značkami (St. John)
51. Dougaldston Spice Estate (St. John)
52. Anglikánsky kostol sv. Juraja (St. George)
53. Národné múzeum (St. George)
54. Choďte po ostrove
55. Dom čokolády (St. George)
56. Go Bowling (St. George)
57. Le Phare Bleu (St. David)
58. Golf v Grenade Golf & Country Club (Grand Anse/St. George)
59. Navštívte Carriacou & Petit Martinique
60. Vypočujte si hudbu oceľovej panvy v Grenade
61. Hudobný festival Pure Grenada (St. George)
Teraz viete, čo robiť v Grenade!

1. Vyskúšajte „štvorhra“ (St. George) – jedna z najlepších vecí v Grenade pre potraviny

Štvorhra sú chutné raňajky, ktoré sa nachádzajú v južnom Karibiku, a keď sú pôvodne z Trinidadu, sú také chutné, že robia náš zoznam vecí, ktoré majú robiť v Grenade.

Sladké a pikantné kurčatá kari je zabalené vo vnútri mäkkého chleba bara.

Latta a jej manžel robia to najlepšie na ostrove a môžete nájsť, že slúžia štvorhra zo zadnej časti ich oranžovej dodávky na Wall Street v Grand Anse. AKTUALIZÁCIA: Latta a Frank majú teraz oranžovú a tmavú dodávku! Vyhľadajte jeden z nich.

2. Národný park Grand Etang (St. Andrews)

Tento krásny, svieži park je umiestnený vysoko v horách Grenada. Pri 1 900 stôp je to najlepšie miesto na únik z horúčavy a potešenie z prírody.

So siedmimi vodopádmi sestier, jazerom a neobmedzenými turistickými chodníkmi je Grand Etang miestom, do ktorého by ste sa mohli znova a znova vrátiť. Vyskúšanie tohto národného parku je určite jednou z najlepších vecí, ktoré môžete robiť v Grenade.

Pripojte sa k tomuto vysoko hodnotenému dennému výletu, ktorý zahŕňa preprava spiatočných výletov, sprievodcu, ktorý vám ukáže cestu, a bezplatný čas, aby ste sa potešili z plávania vo vodopádoch.

* Poznámka* V súčasnosti je v dažďovom pralese v Grand ettan nový prekážkový kurz s vysokým drôtom, ktorý bol postavený v dažďovom praleseg falls. lots of people take pleasure in this activity and it’s something fun to do in Grenada with kids.

Seven Sisters Waterfalls in Grenada

3. La Sagesse Beach (St. David)

A sensational cove with soft sand, clear waters and lined with palm trees. This is one of the best beaches in Grenada. You can walk the length of the beach and hardly see another person. There’s only one hotel on this beach, which has a restaurant open for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

*Note: as La Sagesse is typically quite quiet, be mindful of your valuables and your safety when on this beach.

Top excursions in Grenada (the easiest way to see all of the top attractions in Grenada)

Do you have a day to spare and want to take a excursion around the island? lots of people aren’t comfortable driving abroad (and, the driving in Grenada can be a bit crazy!), but a terrific option is to take a half-day tour, or a full-day excursion while ticking off some of the main activities in Grenada along the way. 

1. Half-Day Highlights of the things to See in Grenada

This highly-rated half-day excursion takes in St. George’s town, Annadale Falls, Grand Etang Lake, a rum distillery, and the sensational Morne Rouge Beach. learn a lot more and read traveller reviews here.

2. Half-Day West coast Highlights

This highly-rated half-day excursion takes in the lesser-visited west coast of Grenada. Heading up the coast, you’ll take in the Belvidere Estate (learn about the growing of fruits, vegetable and spices), checking out Concord Waterfalls, the Gouyave Nutmeg Processing Station, the diamond chocolate factory (free samples of Jouvay chocolate included), and a stop at the Grand Etang national Park on the way back. learn a lot more and read traveller reviews here.

3. Full-Day Highlights and top places To check out in Grenada

This highly-rated full-day excursion is a bit longer and uses lots of of the things to do in Grenada that I list in this article. You’ll check out St. George’s town, Grand Etang rainforest, Concord waterfalls, Douglas spice Plantation, and River Antoine rum distillery. learn a lot more and read traveller reviews here.

4. Sunsets v La Luna (St. George)

There are lots of places to take pleasure in the golden sunset with a glass of white wine in hand, but the best spot has to be at the gorgeous La Luna Hotel.

Going for a swim, lounging on beach chairs, and enjoying the sunset with a drink is one of the best things to do in Grenada. You can come here for a drink at the stunning open-air bar even if you’re not a hotel guest.

Sunset at Laluna is a real secret on the island! even the locals don’t know about the half-price drinks, so you won’t likely find this on any other list of things to do in Grenada.

☞  Click here to see the current price of Laluna on Booking.com.

5. Plachtenie (St. George)

Getting out on the water is a need to when checking out an island! Sailing up the and down the Caribbean coastline aboard a catamaran is a magical experience. check out Footloose excursions for a terrific day (or multiple days) of sailing. (Update: our much-loved company to sail with is Savvy, a lot more on them below).

If you plan on spending a lot more time in this region of the world, make sure to check out the Bahamas — in particular, the Exumas. We recently went swimming with the popular pigs and rented a boat to explore all of the amazing cays! The water around the Bahamas is crystal clear and seeing swimming pigs is something you don’t want to miss.

6. BBQ’s v Grenade (široký ostrov)

Every weekend, local vendors set up their BBQs on the street and serve up some delicious pork and chicken. check out the BBQ at D’Cliff, St. Paul’s, Jerk chicken in Grand Anse Valley, and Rosanne’s BBQ near Red gate (St. David) it’s the best BBQ on the island!

7. Dodgy Dock (True Blue, St. George)

This amazing marina-side restaurant and bar is a nice place to meet up with pals for an afternoon beer or dinner. The views of the water and sailboats are lovely.

Plus, you can also stay here at the true Blue Bay Resort, or pay for a day pass which will grant you access to the watersports, pools, lounge chairs, food and drinks. Click here to learn a lot more about true Blue.

8. Hashing: Jedna z najzvláštnejších vecí, ktoré môžete robiť v Grenade (široký ostrov)

The Hash house Harriers are a social running/walking group that meets every Saturday. someone sets up a trail around the island (usually about 2 hours long) and the runners/walkers follow piles of shredded paper until they reach the finish line. The starting and finishing point is usually at a rum shack! It’s a lot of fun and a very special thing to do in Grenada.

Check out our article: On! On! The Art of Hashing in Grenada

Fun Note: Hashing is one of the best things to do on Grenada because you can become a part of a pretty amazing community with loads of locals, expats, students and tourists on the island.

9. Potápanie

The diving around Grenada is stunning. This island isn’t really known for being a diving destination, but with the first Underwater Sculpture Park in the world, shipwrecks, and coral that has been essentially untouched, it really must be a lot more popular.

Check out Dive Grenada, the best dive shop on the island with exceptional divemasters, and equipment. Nick has done many dives with this company and highly recommends them.

Don’t miss this article and video: Under The Caribbean Sea With Dive Grenada

10. Piatok Bonfire & BBQ (St. George)

This is one of the best things to do in Grenada on a Friday night. If you like bonfires, s’mores, steel pan music and BBQs (and who doesn’t?!) head to the savvy beach Cabana, which is one of the best restaurants in Grenada.

Dine under the stars with your feet submerged in the soft sand, while the local steel pan band serenades you with their tunes.

For dinner, take your pick between chicken, steak, fish, lobster and more, which are all served with a side of rice and peas, mashed pumpkin, roast potatoes and house salad. 

For dessert, relive your childhood by toasting a marshmallow on the beach bonfire to create your own s’more, complete with graham crackers and a square of Grenadian chocolate. 

Savvy beach Cabana during the day. A stunning location – don’t miss Friday nights here and lunches any day of the week

Insider Tip: lots of guests assume that the side dishes are served in hollowed-out coconut shells, but they’re actually made from calabash – impress your server with your island knowledge! 

Outside of Friday nights, the savvy beach Cabana is open for lunch and drinks from 10:00am to sundown. This is a terrific lunchtime spot with a diverse, tasty, and affordable menu. Don’t miss the catch of the day, the chuck burger, and (when in season) the lobster linguine.

The lobster linguine with parmesan at savvy beach Cabana is a need to try

Savvy beach Cabana is a part of mount Cinnamon Grenada, one of the top-rated accommodation options here on the island. If you’re trying to find a terrific place to have dinner outside of Friday nights, then check out their second restaurant, Savvy’s.

11. Whisper Cove Marina (St. David)

If you’re trying to find something to do in Grenada on Saturday afternoons, look no further! For only $10 USD you can take pleasure in a steak lunch with french fries, salad, and a cold beer! (Update 2021: This restaurant is now under new management. On Saturdays, they now offer Spicy wings, Fish cakes, Fish tacos or Battered fish, with fries for $11 USD).

12. Ostrov Hog (St. David)

This stunning island is just a 10-minute boat ride from whisper Cove Marina, or you can drive the bumpy road from Mt. Hartman Dove Sanctuary, and then walk across the bridge. Or, you can set off on a long walk from near the secret Cove Marina.

Hog Island has a terrific trail for hiking, a great (shallow beach), and terrific views. This is one of the a lot more off-track places to check out in Grenada.

13. Roger’s Bar (ostrov Hog)

There’s a little ramshackle bar located on Hog Island and every Sunday, Roger puts on a lunch BBQ

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