FIRST TIME ABROAD: airport suggestions & frequently Asked questions

traveling outside the Philippines for the first time? You might be very thrilled but I bet you’re a little anxious, too! There might be a lot of questions brewing in your head best now so here’s a little something to shed light on some of the things you need to know before your trip. (These suggestions are for Filipino travelers only.)

Every country has its own immigration rules. Some require visas from Filipino visitors, others don’t. Some have stricter rules, others don’t. It is essential that you know these guidelines and requirements before your flight.

But here are some frequently asked questions that I thought I could answer. Again, I’m only depending on personal experience and some knowledge that I gained in my years of working in the airline industry. some of these might already be outdated but I’ll try my best to keep them current.


What are the processes at the airport?
How early ought to I be at the airport?
What are the things that I ought to bring to the airport?
What are the typical questions that the immigration Officers ask?
What is offloading?
What can I do to make sure I won’t be offloaded by the Immigration?
Should I present all these files at the immigration booth?
Do I need to have a hotel reservation before my flight?
I’m invited by a relative or a friend, do I need an invitation letter?
Is there a show money? how much do I need to have for them to let me through?
Where ought to I exchange currencies? Is it best to exchange in the Philippines before the trip?
Should I bring an ID?
I’m a freelancer so I don’t have a company ID. What is a good alternative?
I’m a fresh graduate but I’m currently unemployed. Čo môžem urobiť?
I’m unemployed and I don’t have funds. What are the requirements?
I’m traveling with my foreigner sweetheart / girlfriend / friend. What are the requirements?
My trip is sponsored by my foreigner sweetheart / girlfriend / friend. What are the requirements?
I’m meeting my sweetheart / girlfriend abroad for the first time. What are the requirements?
What is the weight limit for carry-on baggage (hand-carry)?
Where ought to I store my power bank (mobile charger)?
What ought to I wear?
More suggestions on YouTube ⬇️⬇️⬇️Related Posts:

What are the processes at the airport?

The typical process is this:

Pay the travel Tax. IDEALLY, the travel tax and departure fee are already included when you book your ticket, so please check your ticket. but there are times when it isn’t the case. if not sure, check-in first. The check-in agent will tell you if you still need to work out the tax. At NAIA terminal 3, the travel tax counters ought to be on your far best when you’re facing the check-in counters. It’s P1,620 per person.

Check in! present the departure Card together with the travel tax receipt, printed ticket and passport to the check-in agent. The agent will give you your boarding pass.

Fill out a copy of immigration form (aka departure Card). You will get it at the Check-in Counter. Note that you will need to indicate your address abroad (address of the hotel or the pal you’re visiting).

Proceed to the immigration Booths. They will be asking questions like: how long will you be staying abroad? Čo tam budeš robiť? Aké je Vaše povolanie? Where will you stay? The essential is to convince them that you’re going there to trip and not to find work. When they’re satisfied, they will put a stamp on your passport.

Final safety and security check. Remove all gadgets and metal items (including belts and coins) from your body. remove your shoes only when instructed.

That’s about it. It’s a long process and it involves a lot of queueing so make sure you’re at the airport at least 2 hours before your flight.

How early ought to I be at the airport?

At least 2 hours before your scheduled departure.

I personally like showing up at the airport 3-4 hours earlier just in case something untoward happens. I once lost my old passport and visa at the airport on two different occasions (yeah, I was careless, haha), but good thing I had enough time to search. Also, I like staying at airports. Hehe.

Update: In top season like the weeks before and after Christmas, it’s best to arrive at least 4 hours before your flight.

What are the things that I ought to bring to the airport?

I always have a checklist of items I should NOT forget.

Here are the most essential items.

Passport – Duh.

Visa – When applicable

Return flight Ticket – Make sure you print out the tickets. When I fly domestic, I typically just show the check-in agent the tickets on my phone. They accept it. but for international flights, you will be showing your tickets too numerous times (check-in counter, travel tax counter, departure fee counter, immigration, etc) that it would be impractical and ridiculously bothersome to whip out your phone every step of the way. A printed ticket will make it a lot sRule pre vás a ľudí, ktorí to skontrolujú. Okrem toho nie je potrebné nabíjať kúsok papiera.

ID spoločnosti – Imigrační úradníci v niektorých prípadoch požiadajú o ID spoločnosti ako dôkaz, že by ste sa vrátili na Filipíny a vo vašej cieľovej krajine by sa nehľadali pracovné príležitosti.

Adresa a kontaktné číslo v zahraničí – Ak cestujete ako turista, získajte presnú adresu hotela a kontaktné číslo. Ak idete na kamarát alebo príbuzný a zostanete s nimi, získajte presnú adresu a kontaktné číslo. Budete to potrebovať pri vyplnení imigračných formulárov.

DSWD CLEFTANCE – Iba pri cestovaní s maloletým, ktorý nie je vaším dieťaťom a rodičia sa nepripojili k výletu.

Tu sú ďalšie veci, ktoré môžete priniesť pre dobrú mieru.

Rezervácia hotela – Ak cestujete ako turista.

Pozvánka – Ak idete na kamaráta alebo príbuzného a zostanete s nimi.

Peniaze – samozrejme! Uistite sa, že máte dosť. Môj typický rozpočet na 3-dňový alebo 4-dňový výlet do zahraničia je 600 USD, ale zvyčajne len utratím menej ako 400 USD. Mať nedostatok peňazí je bežným dôvodom, prečo je cestujúcim zamietnutý vstup, aj keď už sú na letisku.

Kreditná karta – Niektoré letiská požadujú kópiu karty úverovej správy použitej pri rezervácii vstupeniek online. Môžete to tiež potrebovať ako bezpečnostnú sieť v prípade, že ste nedostali hotovosť. Niektoré hotely tiež požadujú vklad na kartu s kreditnou správou.

Fotokópia pasu a víza – v prípade, že stratíte svoje dokumenty, bolo by pre vás jednoduchšie získať náhradu, ak máte kópiu. Keď už ste vo svojom mieste a idete von, nechajte fotokópiu v hotelovej izbe, ak si prinášate originál so sebou.

Plán cestovania – urobte jasný plán toho, čo chcete robiť, a zapíšte si ich. V prípade, že vás imigrační úradníci vyberú na náhodnú kontrolu, tlačený rozvrh pomôže presvedčiť ich, že skutočne pôjdete do svojho cieľa, aby ste sa dostali, a nič iné.

Adresa a kontaktné číslo filipínskeho veľvyslanectva vo vašej cieľovej krajine – len pre prípad, že sa niečo stane.

Pero – áno, pokorné pero je dôležité. Vyplníte formuláre.

Zvyčajne nosím obálku, v ktorej som ich dal dohromady (s výnimkou fotokópií a peňazí).

Okrem toho mám papier, v ktorom píšem hotelovú adresu, kontaktné číslo, číslo pasu, dátum uplynutia pasu a číslo letu. Týmto spôsobom, keď vykonávam formuláre, nemusím loviť pas a ďalšie dokumenty. Mám iba jednu referenčnú stránku.

Aké sú typické otázky, ktoré položili imigrační úradníci?

Otázky sa líšia v závislosti od úradníka. Ak budete mať šťastie, dôstojník na vás jednoducho hodí pár otázok a vy ste cez. Ale často tu sú otázky:

Kam ideš?

Kedy sa vrátite na Filipíny?

Čo tam budeš robiť?

S kým cestujete?

Aké je vaše povolanie tu na Filipínach?

Základom je odpovedať s istotou, dôsledne a pravdivo.

Niekedy sa kladú na následné otázky. Niekedy budete vystavení sekundárnej inšpekcii, o ktorej budem diskutovať nižšie.

Čo je vykladanie?

Vykladanie je akt ťahania cestujúceho, ktorý je už nalodený z lietadla.

Technicky povedané, Úrad pre prisťahovalectvo nemá politiku vykladania. Pravidelne nedostanú z lietadla nastupeného cestujúceho z lietadla. Čo robia, je, že premietajú cestujúcich a rozhodnú, či im umožnia nastúpiť do lietadla alebo nie. Tento proces sa stane pred nástupom na palubu, nie potom, takže to nie je skutočne vykladanie.

Tu na Filipínach sa však „vykladanie“ používa ako dáždnikový termín na blokovanie niekoho z opustenia krajiny, aj keď cestujúci ešte nenastúpili. Ak vás imigračný úradník pri inšpekcii odmietne, početné Filipínci to označujú ako „vykladanie“. Preto na účely tohto článku použite iba túto filipinizovanú definíciu pojmu.

Čo môžem urobiť, aby som sa ubezpečil, že ma prisťahovalectvo nevyložia?

Úrad pre prisťahovalectvo v poslednej dobe implementoval prísnejšie usmernenia. Podľa kancelárie je každý deň okolo 40 ľudí vyložených iba na termináli NAIA 1. Tri až štyri z každých 50 z týchto vyložených cestujúcich majú skutočne skutočné dôvody na odchod do zahraničia. Nechcete byť jedným z nich.

Ak sa chcete uistiť, že vás nebude vyložené, musíte sa riadiť pokynmi, ktoré úrad vydal pre prisťahovalectvo úradníkom. Memorandum z roku 2012 vymenúva, čo by mali dôstojníci požadovať od odchodu cestujúcich:


Vízum (ak je to uplatniteľné)

Vyplnená odletová karta


Zvyčajne tiež žiadajú ID vašej spoločnosti. Potom, ak to považujú za potrebné, budete vyhodnotení na základe týchto kritérií:



Finančná schopnosť cestovať

Čo znamená posledná položka? Stručne povedané, turisti bez stabilného zdroja príjmu na Filipínach a žiadnymi dobrodincami, ktorí sa zdá, že majú iný dôvod na cestovanie iným akofor leisure are much more likely to be offloaded. So if in case you are subjected to a secondary inspection, you would want to have the following with you:

If you’re an employee, Certificate of employment (best if it indicates your salary and how long you have been with the company)

If you’re self-employed, a copy of your company Registration Certificate

If you’re a freelancer, you ought to still have an ITR. If your clients pay it for you, you may ask for a copy from the client. You may also ask your client to produce a file that would certify that they have hired you and the details of the project/contract.

If you’re tax-exempt, you ought to still have an ITR. because 2018, workers earning below P250,000 a year (P21,000 a month) are exempted from paying income taxes. but that doesn’t imply it exempts you from having an ITR. If you’re an employee, you can still get a copy of your ITR from your employer even if you’re tax-exempt.

I always have a copy of both my ITR and a “Certificate of Employment” from my clients to be safe.

For much more info about this, check out: how to avoid getting Offloaded

Should I present all these files at the immigration booth?

No. Again, many of the time, the officer will only ask for the following:

Passport (with visa, if applicable)

Accomplished departure card

Round-trip ticket

Company ID

Don’t present other files when they don’t ask for them. All the other files are much more like safety nets IN case you need to show you’re employed.

Just answer their questions confidently.

Do I need to have a hotel reservation before my flight?

It is best to always book accommodations first before your flight. You will be required to indicate the address of your hotel on your departure and arrival cards, and immigration officers on both sides sometimes ask for hotel documents. Even when I’m backpacking across much more than one country, I typically make sure I have booked accommodations on at least my first night in the next country I’m visiting. Again, you could go there without prior reservations but if you want to avoid the hassle of getting asked too numerous questions and the tension that comes with it, better book in advance.

I’m invited by a relative or a friend, do I need an invitation letter?

In theory, yes, so if you could produce one, go ahead. The immigration Officers DON’T always ask for this, so numerous invited travelers are still able to make it through without it. However, they might just ask for it if they deem necessary. 

The safest thing to do is to produce an Affidavit of support or Guarantee, notarized at the Philippine Embassy. When officers ask for “invitation letter,” this is actually the file they refer to because it’s formal, legal, binding, and hard to fake.

Anyway, you will be asked to indicate your “address abroad” when filling out forms so make sure you have that. To be on the safe side, be sure you have your friend’s contact number, too.

Is there a show money? how much do I need to have for them to let me through?

I have never been asked to show money, but I know people who have been. I have been asked numerous times how much money I have with me, though, but never to show it.

My pocket money depends on the destination country. Some are much more expensive than others. For example, the cost of living in Singapore is certainly higher than in Thailand. In countries like Singapore, Hong Kong, and Malaysia, I typically bring USD400 for a 4-day trip, USD500 for a week-long trip. but that’s way much more than I actually spend. In less expensive countries like Cambodia and Thailand, I allot USD50 per day. Again, that has a big allowance.

I also bring a credit report card, just in case.

Where ought to I exchange currencies? Is it best to exchange in the Philippines before the trip?

It depends on the country I’m visiting. In countries like Vietnam, Cambodia, Taiwan, where the PH peso is not widely accepted in banks/money changers, I typically exchange my pesos with us dollars here in

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