18 lessons FROM 5 YEARS around THE world

originally Posted: 8/8/2011 | August 8th, 2011
Updated with new links: 2/20/22 | February 20th, 2022

Five years is a long time to be on the road. five years spent living out of a backpack, with no permanent home or address.

I never thought I was going to travel this long. It was only going to be a year, maybe 18 months tops, and then I’d go back home, find a “real” job, clear up into life, and by now, I’d be married, have a house, 2.5 children, and be complaining about my retirement fund to my friends.

But here I am, five years later, in Romania, with the same backpack, still traveling, still staying in hostels, and still having the time of my life.

I celebrated five years of travel by giving away all my frequent flier miles and reflecting on what this journey has taught me.

Here are 18 lessons I’ve learned from the past 1,825 days of travel:

1. It’s not that hard

Every day, people get up and go out the door to travel the world. and they survive and thrive. In fact, it’s never been much easier to travel the world on a budget. Sure, long-term travel is a privilege but with a little planning, you can make your next trip a reality. Do your research, make a budget, save your money, and sooner rather than later you’ll be getting on that bus or train or plane.

It can be a bit scary to take the plunge and head out into the world on an extended trip, but I learned swiftly that all the worrying and concern I had was for naught. traveling is a lot much easier than you think. It’s not like you are the first person to ever do this. There are people out there who can help — both at home and on the road. You just have to take that first step.

2. You learn a lot of good skills

Traveling around the world has taught me to how to be a lot more social, how to adapt and be a lot more flexible, and, a lot of importantly, understand nonverbal communication a lot better. It has made me be a lot more independent, a lot more open, and, overall, just a better person. While I’ve certainly had some discouraging and challenging experiences on the road, there’s no reason to be afraid that you might not have “it” in you. We’re all a lot tougher than we think.

3. You make a lot of friends

It may seem scary just throwing yourself out into the world and talking to strangers, but we are all strangers in a odd land. At the end of the day, a lot of people are very friendly. It took me a while to get used to just saying “hello” to strangers, but now it seems like second nature. a lot of everyone you meet — locals and travelers alike — is friendly and welcoming on the road that even when you travel solo, you are never really alone.

4. You meet some of your closest friends traveling

Those times I just want to kick back and do nothing were the times I made my closest friends. Whether it was in a hostel in Vietnam, on a boat in Thailand, or walking into a hostel in Spain, when I least expected (or wanted) to meet people was often when I met the best people — people who shaped my travels, and môj život.

And even though you may not see them for years, you still end up at their wedding, Christmas dinner, or family celebration. distance and time cannot break the bonds you formed.

5. relationships come and go on the road

I’ve met lots of people on the road, including members of the opposite sex I’ve found attractive. but the nature of travel doesn’t always lend to a lot of long-term relationships. It’s hard to make something last when everyone moves in different directions and holidays end. If you get too attached too often, you’ll have nothing but heartache as people come and go. but I’ve realized you need to simply take pleasure in your time together for what it is and stay on good terms when it ends. just because something doesn’t last doesn’t indicate it isn’t useful or worthwhile.

6. but chase the ones you like

Yet once in a while, you’ll find someone you really connect with. Meaningful romance on the road does happen. and when you have nowhere to be and no place to go other than where you want, often there is no reason not to follow. Don’t force yourself to say another goodbye if you don’t have to. pursue it even if the distance seems too huge because you never know where it could lead or how long it might last. often you only get one chance, and when it is gone, you’re filled with nothing but regret.

7. It’s good to try new things

I used to be a very rigid person, but traveling has helped me expand my worldview. I’ve pushed myself to the limit, eaten new food, taken cooking classes, learned magic tricks and new languages, tried to conquer my concern of heights, and challenged my views on people, politics, and perspectives. I’ve learned that the a lot more you try new things, the a lot more satisfying life becomes.

8. Be adventurous

Doing the canyon swing was tough. So was jumping off the boat in the Galápagos. As was eating the maggots in Thailand. and gettingmy butt kicked in Thai boxing. And, while I won’t do either of those last two things again, I don’t regret stepping out of my comfort zone and trying new things. even if you only try things once, it’s good to challenge yourself and be adventurous. We only grow when we are outside of our comfort zone, so even if you’re not an adrenaline junkie (I’m certainly not!) it’s good to scare yourself once in a while. You never know what you’ll learn in the process.

9. There is no such thing as a mistake

No matter what happens on the road, it’s never a mistake. As was once said, “your choices are half chance, and so are everybody else’s.” Make your plans and then just opt for the flow. The road will unfold ahead of you so there’s no reason to have regrets or think you made a mistake if things don’t work out exactly the way you wanted them to. Remember, every obstacle is a learning experience — especially the discouraging ones! embrace the fact that the journey is the destination.

10. Don’t be cheap

When you travel on a budget and need to make your money last, it’s easy to be cheap. but why live like a pauper for so long while you were home so you could not eat the food in Italy, drink the white wine in France, or have fresh sushi in Japan?

While it is good to be frugal, it’s also crucial to splurge and not miss out on doing once-in-a-lifetime things. who knows, for example, when you will get another chance to dive in Fiji?! Don’t be penny-wise but pound-foolish.

11. That being said, don’t be wasteful

But remember you aren’t made of money, so don’t always feel like you need to party with your new friends every night or do every activity in a new place. often it’s ok just to sit around and relax, enjoy Netflix, cook your own meals, and be boring. In short, be frugal, but not cheap.

12. opt for the flow (and take it slow)

Sometimes it is great to have a plan. When there is limited time, you want to try to see as much as possible and stay on track. but stop being hemmed in by that plan. traveling is about opening yourself up to change and letting life take you where you want to go. In the end, you throw the plan away anyway, so why even bother getting caught up in one? have a rough idea of what you want to do, and just fill in the details along the way. the best experiences I’ve had are always the serendipitous ones!

13. drop the guidebook

Don’t be glued to your guidebook. Sure, they are helpful at the start of your trip, but you can travel fine without it. use it to plan an outline and learn about your destination, but don’t rigidly follow its suggestions. get off the beaten path. strať sa. Ask locals and travelers for ideas and information. You’ll make a lot more connections and deepen your travels that way.

14. It’s never too late to change

Even if you aren’t the traveler or person you want to be in your head, it’s never too late to change. travel is all about change. The a lot more you say “tomorrow,” the less likely it is that tomorrow will ever come. traveling has shown me aspects of my personality I wish I didn’t have and also shown me that I can be really lazy. I’ve always sworn by the phrase “Carpe Diem” but often I don’t really do it. It’s never too late though, and realizing that has made being a lot more proactive a lot easier.

15. Relax

Life on the road is no a lot more hazardous than life at home (and in lots of places, it’s less dangerous!). Sure, you must be vigilant when you need to be (and you must never leave home without travel insurance) but that doesn’t indicate you need to avoid “scary” countries just because the news says so. Take the precautions you need to but don’t anxiety out and miss out on opportunities because you can’t relax. The world is far less scary than you think!

16. learn a lot more languages (seriously)

Learning the local language when you travel opens so lots of new doors. It not only deepens your travels but you’ll be able to speak to a lot more locals, avoid scams, better navigate the places you visit, and find better deals. It shows the locals that you appreciate their culture because you took the time to learn a few words and phrases.

By learning some of the local language, you become a lot more than just a bystander — you become a participant in the places you visit. It’s the best way to have a a lot more unique, authentic travel experience.

17. wear a lot more sunscreen

Seriously. science has proven it helps, and with all that beach time you do when you travel, you could always use a little more. Being tan is great. having skin cancer is not. SPF up!

18. people are good

All over the world, I have encountered remarkable people who have not only changed my life but have gone out of their way to help me. It’s taught me that the old saying is true: you can always depend on the kindness of strangers.

Sure, bad things can happen — but they are the exception to the rule. We grow up in this culture of concern in America but 99.9999% of thĽudia na svete nie sú vraždy, násilníci alebo zlodeji. Nie je dôvod predpokladať, že niekto je jeden. Niekedy sa ľudia snažia byť priateľskí. Čím viac cestujem, tým oveľa viac sa to ukázalo ako pravda.

Za posledných päť rokov cestovania som sa dozvedel oveľa viac o svete a sebe o sebe, ako som mal v predchádzajúcich 25 rokoch svojho života. Cestovanie je koniec koncov najvyšším nástrojom osobného rozvoja.

Takže, bez ohľadu na to, čo sa stane v budúcnosti, viem, že som veľmi požehnaný, že mám posledných päť rokov. A ja som kvôli nim lepší človek.

Ako cestovať po svete za 50 dolárov denne

Môj najpredávanejší sprievodca v brožúre New York Times po World Travel vám ukáže, ako zvládnuť umenie cestovania, aby ste vystúpili z vychodenej cesty, ušetrili peniaze a mali hlbší cestovný zážitok. Je to váš sprievodca plánovaním A to Z, ktorý BBC nazval „Biblia pre cestujúcich v rozpočte“.

Kliknutím sem sa dozviete oveľa viac a začnite ho čítať ešte dnes!

Zarezervujte si cestu: logistické nápady a triky
Zarezervujte si svoj let
Nájdite lacný let pomocou SkyScanner. Je to môj obľúbený vyhľadávací nástroj, pretože vyhľadáva webové stránky a letecké spoločnosti po celom svete, takže vždy viete, že žiadny kameň nezostane nezostáva.

Zarezervujte si ubytovanie
Svoju hostel si môžete rezervovať s Hostelworld. Ak chcete zostať niekde inde ako v hosteli, použite Booking.com, pretože neustále vracia najlacnejšie ceny za penzióny a hotely.

Nezabudnite na cestovné poistenie
Cestovné poistenie vás zabezpečí proti chorobám, zraneniu, krádeži a zrušení. Je to podrobná ochrana v prípade, že sa niečo pokazí. Nikdy som nešiel na výlet bez toho, pretože som ho v minulosti musel používať veľakrát. Moje obľúbené spoločnosti, ktoré ponúkajú najlepšie služby a hodnotu, sú:

Safetywing (najlepšie pre všetkých)

Zaistite moju cestu (pre tých nad 70 rokov)

Medjet (pre ďalšie pokrytie evakuácie)

Ste pripravení rezervovať si cestu?
Pozrite sa na moju stránku zdrojov, kde nájdete najlepšie spoločnosti, ktoré môžete použiť pri cestovaní. Uvádzam všetky tie, ktoré používam pri cestovaní. Sú najlepší v triede a nemôžete pokaziť ich pomocou ich cesty.

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