Tagaytay Travel Guide so vzorkou itinerára a rozpočtu

Dlho predtým, ako obyvatelia Manila začali s diaľkovým aférom s Vysočinou Baguio, Sagada a Kalinga, boli v dlhoročnej romantike s Tagaytayom. Nie je to vzťah s vysokou údržbou. Fyzické spojenie je tam. Je geograficky blízko, ľahko prístupný a nevyžaduje príliš veľa času ani peňazí. Je to druh, ktorý vydrží viac ako desaťročia.

Tagaytay pre mňa nie je cudzí. Bývam v meste Batangas nie príliš ďaleko od Tagaytay. Najdlhšie, zakaždým, keď sa vrátim domov, dodávka, ktorú som jazdil, prešiel mestom. A keďže som začal zarábať sám, bolo by to moje miesto pre jasnosť alebo pokoj. A v tom nie som sám.

Čo je v tomto sprievodcovi pokryté?

Pochopenie Tagaytay
Kde zostať v oblasti TagayTayBest, aby zostal v Tagaytay
Najlepšie rozpočtové hotely a BNBS v Tagaytay
Najlepšie apartmány a byt na prenájom v Tagaytay
Vyhľadajte ďalšie hotely Tagaytay!

Ako sa dostať do Tagaytaymanily do Tagaytay autobusom
Manila to Tagaytay od van

Ako sa obísť Tagaytay
Čo robiť v sopke Tagaytay a neďalekej sopky Townstaal
Skyranch Tagaytay
Piknikový háj Tagaytay
People’s Park na oblohe
Tagaytay Food Trip

Ukážka itinerára Tagaytay
Viac tipov na YouTube ⬇ súvisiace príspevky:

Pochopenie Tagaytay

Nachádza sa len asi 60 km od Manily a mesto Tagaytay bolo vždy cieľom pre tých, ktorí chcú uniknúť z horúčavy hlavného mesta, najmä v letnej sezóne. Prichádzajú sem z dvoch dôvodov: chladnejšie podnebie a úchvatný výhľad na jazero Taal a sopku.

Väčšina ľudí si myslí, že sopka Taal je malý kráterový kopec na jednom konci ostrova uprostred jazera, ktorý je zvyčajne znázornený na pohľadniciach a fotografiách. Pravda je, že to je bintiang Malaki, iba jeden z mnohých kužeľov a kráterov sopky. Samotné jazero Taal bolo vlastne kalderou obrovskej starodávnej sopky vytvorenej po kataklyzmatických erupciách v praveku. Jedinou aktívnou časťou je teraz ostrov uprostred jazera s názvom Volcano Island.

Rovnako ako obrovský balkón s nádherným výhľadom, aj Tagaytay je posadený na severných hrebeňach jazera Taal, priťahuje tisíce dovolenkárov a podporuje jej obrovský priemysel cestovného ruchu. Jeho diaľnice a vnútorné uličky sú lemované širokou škálou ubytovania, od luxusných vilov po rozpočtové hotely a reštaurácie, od dobrého stravovania po domáce miesta rýchleho občerstvenia.

Tagaytay je tiež úžasná základňa pre cestujúcich, ktorí chcú preskúmať susedné obce ako Alfonso a Amadeo, a dokonca aj časti Batangov, ako je samotná sopka, Nasugbu a Lemery.

Tagaytay má na mape obdĺžnikový tvar, takže je ľahké navigovať. V samom strede je Tagaytay Rotonda, z ktorej vychádza zo štyroch hlavných ciest:

Emilio Aguinaldo Highway, ktorá spája Tagaytay s Imus, Dasmarinas a Manila.

Tagaytay-Calamba Road, ktorá spája mesto s mestami Laguna. Ak prichádzate z South Luzon Express Way (SLEX), nakoniec sa dostanete do tejto cesty do Tagaytay.

Diaľnica Tagaytay-Nasugbu, ktorá vás môže zaviesť do Alfonso (Cavite) a Nasugbu a Lemery (Batangas).

Tagaytay-Talisay Road, ktorá prechádza cez zalesnený svah do Talisay (Batangas), kde sa nachádza taal sopka.

Oboznámenie sa s týmito cestami uľahčí plánovanie cestovania, najmä pri výbere hotela a miest na návštevu.

Tu sú užitočnejšie bity týkajúce sa Tagaytay.

Jazyk: Tagalog používa väčšina. Ale angličtina je všeobecne chápaná a hovorená.

Mena: Philippine Peso (PHP, ₱). PHP100 je okolo 1,90 USD, 1,69 EUR, SGD 2,57 (od apríla 2019).

Režimy platby: Kreditné karty sú akceptované mnohými zariadeniami, ale hotovosť je stále kráľom (a kráľovnou) v Tagaytay.

Informácie o elektrine: 220V, 60 Hz. Typ zástrčky a zásuvky A.

Kde zostať v Tagaytay

Na miestach ako El Nido alebo Batanes mi zvyčajne nevadí zostať v penzióne bez výhľadu a bez ozdôb, pretože by som aj tak veľa času trávil vonku. Ale Tagaytay je jedným z tých cieľov, v ktorých môže ubytovanie urobiť alebo prerušiť výlet. Je to všetko o prostredí a skúsenosti. Či už navštevujete Tagaytay, aby ste si oddýchli, zúčastnili sa konferencie, alebo máte romantický víkend, je dôležité zvážiť miesto.

Najlepšia oblasť na pobyt v Tagaytay

Tagaytay sa stal hlavným turistickým magnetom, že sa stal takmer synonymom tohto rohu Cavite. Majitelia nehnuteľností zvyčajne predávajú a označujú svoje hotely, chaty alebo penzióny „Tagaytay“, aj keď sa nachádzajú technicky v okolitých obciach ako Alfonso, Silang a Mendez. Snažte sa mať na pamäti, keď hľadáte miesto na pobyt.

Pre turistov existujú tri hlavné oblasti, ktoré sú úžasnými základňami pri skúmaní Tagaytay a blízkych miest:

Oblasť Tagaytay Rotonda. zvyčajne sa náhodne označuje ako jednoducho Olivarez. Je centrom mesta. As explained above, the major roads running across the city start or end here. It is surrounded by countless lodging and dining options. It is also the main transportation hub.

Along Tagaytay-Nasugbu Highway. This is a little bit farther than the Rotonda area, but this has the best view of the lake and the volcano, provided that you book a hotel on the lakeside. This is also where SkyRanch and Ayala malls Serin are located.

Along Tagaytay-Calamba Road. This area is closest to tourist spots like Tagaytay Picnic Grove and People’s Park in the Sky. lots of restaurant and hotel options too, with some also offering a good view of the lake.

Personally, I like staying along Tagaytay-Nasugbu road because it’s a lot quieter and has the best view of the lake. If you don’t trust my word, here are the top budget hotels in Tagaytay as scored by Agoda users.

Najlepšie rozpočtové hotely a BNBS v Tagaytay

The best hotels in Tagaytay are expensive, but there are some exceptions. Bed-and-breakfast places also offer a terrific alternative. Here’s a list compiled using Agoda reviews.

Containers by Eco Hotel

Containers by Eco Hotel. Skontrolujte ceny a dostupnosť!

F8 Bed and Breakfast. Skontrolujte ceny a dostupnosť!

The Carmelence Lodge. Skontrolujte ceny a dostupnosť!

Joaquin’s Bed and Breakfast. Skontrolujte ceny a dostupnosť!

ZEN rooms hotel Georgina Tagaytay. Skontrolujte ceny a dostupnosť!

Najlepšie apartmány a byt na prenájom v Tagaytay

If budget is an issue, then ditch the hotel and consider staying at a BnB, guesthouse, or apartment for rent, which are significantly cheaper. There’s been a considerable number of condo units for rent at Wind Residences (SMDC) along Tagaytay-Nasugbu highway and Tagaytay Prime Residences near Rotonda. here are the top rated apartments/condo units on Agoda.

An Oasis in Tagaytay

An Oasis in Tagaytay. Skontrolujte ceny a dostupnosť!

Sky’s at Prime Residences -Tagaytay. Skontrolujte ceny a dostupnosť!

CatherinePlace Tagaytay – Wind Residences Tower 3. check rates & Availability!

Wind Residences by Missionarte. Skontrolujte ceny a dostupnosť!

Mary’s Crib Tagaytay. Skontrolujte ceny a dostupnosť!

Photos above were provided by the resorts via Agoda.

Vyhľadajte ďalšie hotely Tagaytay!


Manila to Tagaytay by Bus

You can catch a bus to Tagaytay at the following terminals.

Uniwide Coastal mall in Paranaque. Make your way to the Paranaque integrated terminal exchange (PITX), also called South West integrated Provincial Terminal. Board a bus bound for Tagaytay, Mendez (neighboring town), or Nasugbu. This bus will be taking Emilio Aguinaldo Highway.

DLTB terminal at LRT Buendia area (near LRT Gil Puyat Station), Pasay City. Board the bus bound for either Nasugbu or Calatagan. This will be taking South Luzon Expressway (SLEX) and Carmona exit and will pass through Tagaytay.

Fare: around P87. travel time is 2-3 hours, depending on traffic conditions. might be much longer during rush hour.

Some important reminders.

DO NOT TAKE THE BUS TO LEMERY. Lemery-bound buses take the SLEX + star Toll. It doesn’t pass through Tagaytay. Buses are not allowed to take Diokno Highway, which connects Tagaytay and Lemery. I know this because I’m from Lemery and our house is very close to Diokno Highway.

If your hotel is located along Tagaytay-Nasugbu highway and you’re on a Nasugbu or Calatagan bus, you don’t need to get off at Olivarez or Rotonda. You can stay in the bus and tell the conductor to drop you off at the hotel.

If you’re going to SkyRanch or Wind Residences, there’s a big chance the bus will not really pass by either even if the driver or conductor says so. most buses take Mahogany Avenue, which bypasses a section of Tagaytay-Nasugbu highway approaching Mendez. Instead, they will drop you off at the Petron Gas Station. That’s okay, though, because it’s within walking distance. (SkyRanch is a longer walk but very manageable.) SEE MAP BELOW.

Manila to Tagaytay od van

You can also ride a shared van to Tagaytay. Vans bound for Nasugbu, Calatagan or Lemery pass through Tagaytay. You can find one at the following places.

Starmall EDSA-Shaw. You’ll find vans bound for Lemery at the terminal in front of the mall, along EDSA.

Alabang. There are vans bound for Tagaytay at festival mall Alabang, near the Goldilocks exit. (I haven’t tried it, though.) In addition, there used to be vans bound for Lemery dispatched from the vehicle parking area of Starmall Alabang. but they already moved to the area behind the mall, near the ukay-ukay area and PNR Train counter. The number of available vans and passengers has been dwindling so you might be in for quite the wait.

Metropoint Mall. I’m not sure if there are still vans here going to Calatagan. There used to be, but I haven’t checked in a long time. If there still is, you can take the van going to Calatagan. If vans no longer operate here, you can cross to the other side of EDSA and catch a bus to Calatagan instead.

Whatever you take, tell the driver to drop you off in Tagaytay.

Fare is P180-P200, depending on which part of Manila you’re originating. It’s pricier because vans behave like point-to-point shuttles. even though you’re alighting in Tagaytay, you’re still paying for the full journey. A passenger getting off in Tagaytay pays the same as another getting off in Batangas.

Important reminders:

If you’re taking a van to Lemery, tell the driver to drop you off in Tagaytay. Unlike their bus counterparts, Lemery-bound vans usually pass through Tagaytay. However, there are instances when the driver chooses to take the SLEX-STAR Tollway route. It usually happens when there is heavy traffic in Tagaytay/Santa Rosa areas. To be sure, let the driver know that your destination is Tagaytay so he won’t take any detour.

Vans don’t follow any fixed schedule. The vehicle will NOT leave the terminal unless it is full. If you’re in a hurry and there’s only one vacant seat, you can pay for it and the driver will gladly start the journey. If time is of the essence and there are a lot of empty seats, take the bus instead.

Ako sa obísť Tagaytay

There are no taxis in Tagaytay, and grab doesn’t have any presence either. There are only three modes of transportation available:

Jeepney. When traveling within the city, the most usual way is by jeepney. From Olivarez/Rotonda, you can take a jeepney to any direction. You can also ride one from any point along the highway back to the city center. minimum fare is P9, which increases as you go father.

Bus. You can also take the bus if you’re coming from Rotonda area and going to Mendez, Alfonso, Nasugbu or any destination along Nasugbu-Tagaytay Highway.

Tricycle. This is the closest thing to a taxi that you can get. You can charter a tricycle to take you straight to your destination. When I asked, “special trips” within the city cost P100. Special, meaning you won’t be sharing the tricycle with anyone else. but if you’re going to the city center, you can pay the per-person charge, which should be around P20. maybe higher or lower, depending on distance.


Taal Volcano

UPDATE! Taal Volcano recently erupted and is closed to the public.

Taal Volcano Caldera
Tagaytay offers the best views of Taal Volcano. but you know what’s better than admiring it from afar? Being on the volcano itself. From Tagaytay, you can travel to the Batangan town of Talisay, where you can charter a boat that can take you to the volcano island. once there, you’ll start your trek to the breathtaking caldera. good if you’re a group so you could split the expenses.

How to get there: From Tagaytay, you can charter a tricycle to take you to Talisay for P150-200. Then, find a boat, which costs P2000 (maximum of 6 pax). It’s also possible to reach Talisay by jeepney, but I don’t have the details.

I’m not fully familiar with this route, to be honest. I’ve been to Taal Volcano and hiked to its main caldera before, but I didn’t come from Tagaytay. I went straight to Talisay via Tanauan.

Skyranch Tagaytay

SkyRanch is a relatively new attraction in Tagaytay. Perched on a cliff, overlooking the lake, this is an amusement park built for the enjoyment of the whole family. There are rides for kids and activities for the kids-at-heart. the most arresting structure is the SkyEye, a 63-meter ferris wheel with 32 gondolas. It’s also lined with restaurants and food kiosks!

Hours open
Monday-Friday, 10am-10pm
Saturday-Sunday, 8am-10pm

Weekdays: P80
Weekends: P100

Here are the attractions at SkyRanch and the corresponding admission fees.

SkyEye: P150
Super Viking: P100
Flying Bus: P100
Sky Cruiser: P100
Log Coaster: P100
Safari Splash: P120
Bumper Boat: P100
Bumper Race: P100
Drop Tower: P100
Express Train: P80
City Rail: P80
Mini Viking: P50
Racing Car: P50
Nessie Coaster: P50
Wonder Flight: P50
Red Baron: P50
Boat Parade: P50
Toy Swing: P50

How to get there: From Olivarez, ride a jeepney bound for Mendez or Nasugbu. get off at sky Ranch.

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