15 vecí, ktoré sa mi nepáčia na batohovaní

Uverejnené: 22. 22.19 | 22. júla 2019

Batohujem už viac ako desať rokov. Je to dlhá doba na cestovanie, nehovoriac o tom, že zostanete v internátoch, online z toho istého batohu, ako aj cestovanie za lacné.

Ale naozaj sa mi páči tento typ cestovania, a preto som to robil toľko rokov.

Baví ma hostely, uspokojujú ľudí, ľahké cestovanie, divoké dobrodružstvá, mladšiu atmosféru, ako aj nemám sprievodcov a zájazdy, ako aj zájazdy, ktoré ma držia celú ruku.

Navyše, úprimne nevidím žiadny druh požiadaviek minúť veľké ponuky peňazí na strediská, ako aj elegantné miestnosti. Prečo minúť peniaze v hoteli, keď môžem tieto peniaze minúť na jedlo a nápoje namiesto toho? (Navyše, ak zistíte, že cestujete hack, môžete len získať body, aby ste zostali v hoteloch zadarmo!)

Ale aj keď si užívam štýl cestovania, neznamená to, že sa mi vždy páči. V skutočnosti niekedy naozaj naozaj naozaj nepáči batoh. Tu je dôvod:

1. Koľajové miestnosti

Hostelové koľajové priestory sú lacné, ako aj fantastická metóda na uspokojenie ľudí, pretože ste s nimi zasunutí do rovnakého priestoru. Nemáte však možnosť navzájom sa porozumieť. (No, nemusíte hovoriť, avšak potom sa to trochu trápne.)

Ale niekedy nechcete uspokojiť nových ľudí, získať horný poschod alebo musíte ponúknuť s tromi chrápmi v miestnosti so šiestimi lôžkami. Vtedy sa vám skutočne nepáči hostely. Stále využívam priestory na internáty, pretože udržiavajú náklady dole, ale naozaj sa mi nepáči, ako často sa dostávajú do metódy skvelého nočného spánku.

2. Rovnaká konverzácia

Kedykoľvek sa objavíte niekde nový, cestujúci položili presne päť otázok: Odkiaľ ste? Kam ideš? Kde si bol? Presne ako dlho cestujete? Ako dlho si tu?

Po desiatich rokoch – sakra, po desiatich dňoch – je celkom únavné mať presne tú istú konverzáciu, ako aj znova. Sú to predvolené, základné obavy, ktoré sa pýta všetci (vrátane mňa). Stáva sa to druhou povahou.

V týchto dňoch to však miešam rovnako ako veci zaujímavé. Keď sa dostanem k jednej z piatich otázok, odpoviem tým, že sa pýtam ich meno, ako aj niečo ako ich obľúbená farba alebo preferovaná kniha alebo najmenej preferované miesto, aké kedy videli. Je to oveľa fascinujúcejšie ako „Čo robíte späť domov?“

Chápem, že tieto obavy vrhajú veľké svetlo na niekoho, keď cestujú, ale každý dlhotrvajúci cestovateľ ich po chvíli ochorel. Nabudúce, keď sa nachádzate v internáte, skúste sa opýtať rôznych obáv pre ľudí, s ktorými sa stretnete. Môžete len objaviť niečo zaujímavé!

3. 5-minútový priateľ

Uspokojíte fantastických ľudí – a potom zajtra sú preč. Možno sa znova uvidíte, možno nie. To je jedna z najväčších nevýhod cesty.

Je to fantastické uspokojujúce toľko úžasných ľudí na cestách, ale nepáči sa mi, ako presne všetci odchádzajú, najmä tak, ako niekto rozumiete. Je to snehová guľa smútku. V tom okamihu, ako aj v tom čase, som mal nespočetné množstvo úžasných ľudí, ako aj v tom čase sme mali výbuch. Možno to bolo všetko, čo malo byť. Je však pekné mať určitú konzistenciu a mať kamaráta dlhšie ako päť minút.

4. Extrémna párty

Vo svete batohu je to vždy niekto prvá alebo včera v noci, ako aj dôvod ísť von – čo znamená, že sa deje veľa pitia. (Veľa!) Urobil som svoj spravodlivý podiel na párty, rovnako ako pripúšťam, že je fantastické, keď práve začínate. Ste nadšení z cesty, čokoľvek je nové, a je to skvelá metóda na uspokojenie ľudí. Rovnako ako tu sú veľa fantastických oslavných destinácií na celom svete!

Ale po niekoľkých mesiacoch sa to unavuje a opakuje. Unavíte sa stále piť stále, akoby to bola jediná aktivita na svete. Nemôžeme ísť len urobiť niečo iné? Musí sa vždy zapojiť alkohol? Poďme hrať minigolf, pozrite sa na film, ísť bowling alebo chytiť koncert. Krajiny je viac ako ich bary. Navyše, všetko, čo pitie môže skutočne jesť do vášho cestovného rozpočtu!

5. Lacnosť

Chápem, že dlhotrvajúci cestujúci majú pevný rozpočet. Keď som prvýkrát išiel do zahraničia, mal som iba obmedzené množstvo peňazí, pretože musel trvať dlho, dlhú dobu. Ako už bolo povedané, skutočne ste prišli všetku metódu Španielska, aby ste nemali paellu? Lietali ste do Japonska, ako aj nikdy, keď ste mali sushi alebo nič viac ako lacné ramenné rezance? Vynechané lyžovanie v Alpách od nákladov na lístok na výťah?

Poď! Ste iba online. Urobte niečo viac ako bezplatnú prehliadku so sprievodcom, uvarte si vlastné jedlá a celý deň vypite pivo. Je fantastické byť skromný, existuje však jemná hranica medzi tým, že je ekonomická a lacná.

6. Know-It-All Backpackers

Vždy existuje niekto, kto cestoval viacako vy. even after a decade of backpacking the world, I understand people who have 12, 15, 20 years with nothing however a travel backpack on their shoulder.

However, what I dislike is when people interject into other people’s conversations or plans as well as begin to provide their viewpoint about where they should or shouldn’t go. Or they will begin to tell you the history of a location (and most likely get it wrong) to try to “educate” you on exactly how things truly are.

Don’t be a know-it-all. travel isn’t a competition. We’re all out right here living our life as well as enjoying it as much as possible. nobody likes a show-off.

7. The “Who’s a much better Traveler?” Hra

Too many travelers like to talk themselves up by discussing how long they have traveled for or exactly how many countries they have been to, as though traveling is a a race or a competition. “You’ve been to 20 countries?” “Ohh, well I’ve been to 37!”

Or you may hear, “You didn’t truly experience country X since you skipped activity Y.”

Comments like that make new travelers feel poor about their own experiences. Don’t be that person. It doesn’t matter what activities you have done or if you have been to 4, 19, or 150 countries — everyone’s journey is their own as well as all are equal.

8. The Herd Mentality

I wished to be a backpacker since they embodied a spirit of experience as well as discovery. They were out to see the world, find its hidden secrets, as well as satisfy new locals.

Turns out, that’s frequently not the case.

More frequently than not, backpackers today comply with the exact same well-laid travel path that thousands have tread before them. They just comply with the pack. Yes, prominent locations are prominent for a reason, as well as I would never, for example, suggest skipping Thailand, Paris, or Costa Rica just since there are other tourists there.

But come on, try to be a bit more curious! On your next trip, roam off somewhere random. get away from the crowd, even just once. You won’t regret it!

9. always Being “On”

Sometimes I just don’t want to talk to everyone. Sometimes, I just want to checked out my book as well as stay in, catching up on game of Thrones or whatever new show I’m in the mood to binge.

But then that makes me the antisocial guy in the hostel as well as people look at me differently. I dislike exactly how you always have to seem to be friendly as well as upbeat. people are social creatures, however it is likewise great to have some alone time to decompress as well as relax. always being “on” is just as well psychologically exhausting for me, particularly when you are asked the exact same concerns daily (see above!).

10. Goodbyes

I have stated more goodbyes in the last ten years than any type of human should ever have to. as well as in spite of the modifications in innovation as well as social media, you understand the emails will slowly fade away in spite of the very best of intentions. Life moves on as well as people go their separate ways.

Sure, you will have that fantastic moment in time together, however the more you travel, the more you recognize the difficult reality that you may never see that person again. as well as the more you dislike having to state goodbye.

11. The quick charming Relationships

You satisfy people, you leave people. It’s a unfortunate cycle that means that just when you truly begin to like someone, you split up. It makes having a long-lasting dedicated connection on the road truly hard. You are together while you are on the road, however then people go left while you go right. as well as then, as quickly as it began, it is over.

It’s difficult to always have to begin as well as stop feelings. as well as often, since you never truly “break up,” you never get any type of genuine closure. The road becomes a series of short connections — as well as that can get tiring.

12. backpack Flags

You can state it is a method to keep in mind where you have gone, however what it truly does is let people understand exactly how incredible you are for having been to so many places. It’s all part of the “who’s the more experienced traveler” one-upsmanship that occurs in hostels.

And it annoys me.


You have photos, memories, as well as passport stamps to keep in mind where you have been. I question your bag truly cares. Let’s phone call a spade a spade: stitching flags from every country you have been to is just a method to show the world that you are well traveled.

Now, I don’t want to rain on anyone’s parade. I get that you want some mementos as well as that you’re proud of your travels. however this is one of those things that just irks me.

13. filthy Kitchens

Despite all the indications that tell people to clean up their mess, they never do. Prečo? since it’s not their kitchen area as well as they are leaving soon. somebody else will do it, so it’s not their problem.

I truly dislike hostel kitchens for this reason, as well as it’s why Iprevent the kitchen area if it’s hectic or messy. I didn’t travel around the world to clean up your mess. Urob si sám! What are you, nine years old? Your mom is not right here to clean up after you, as well as it’s inconsiderate leaving a filthy kitchen area for the next person.

14. missing the Gym

I like to work out. traveling makes me unhealthy as well as out of shape as well as I don’t like it. It’s difficult to keep a healthy way of life on the road, as well as I desire I had the possibility to go to the fitness center as well as work out more often.

(Maybe hostels will begin having gyms, like hotels!)

15. Sex in Dorm Rooms

In situation there was any type of doubt, I do not want to hear you having sex. Ever.

Go get a personal room. We don’t believe her moans of pleasure, as well as we don’t want to see your white ass. For the cost of two dorm beds, you can get a personal space in almost any type of hostel in the world. as well as if it does expense more, it isn’t that much. get some privacy, have much better sex, as well as let everybody else sleep. Please.

Of course, I don’t truly dislike backpacking. most days, I like this style of travel as well as I like backpacking. It’s fun and social, as well as you get to satisfy amazing people.

But sometimes, the bit things just grind your gears, which is most frequently when people are rude as well as inconsiderate. Backpacking is a fantastic lifestyle, as well as like any type of lifestyle, it has its ups as well as downs. I’m just lucky it has more ups than downs!

Ako cestovať po svete za 50 dolárov denne

My new York Times very popular paperback guide to world travel will teach you exactly how to master the art of travel to ensure that you’ll get off the beaten path, save money, as well as have a deeper travel experience. Je to váš sprievodca plánovaním A to Z, ktorý BBC nazval „Biblia pre cestujúcich v pláne rozpočtu“.

Click right here to discover more as well as begin reading it today!

Book Your Trip: Logistical tips as well as Tricks
Zarezervujte si svoj let
Find a inexpensive flight by utilizing Skyscanner. It’s my preferred browse engine since it searches websites as well as airlines around the globe so you always understand no stone is left unturned.

Zarezervujte si ubytovanie
Svoju hostel si môžete rezervovať s Hostelworld. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, utilize Booking.com as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses as well as hotels.

Nepamätáte si cestovné poistenie
Travel insurance coverage will protect you against illness, injury, theft, as well as cancellations. It’s comprehensive security in situation anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to utilize it many times in the past. Moje preferované podnikanie, ktoré ponúkajú najlepšie služby a hodnotu, sú:

Safetywing (najlepšie pre všetkých)

Zaistite moju cestu (pre tých nad 70 rokov)

Medjet (pre ďalšie pokrytie evakuácie)

Ste pripravení rezervovať si cestu?
Pozrite sa na moju stránku zdrojov, kde nájdete to najlepšie podnikanie, ktoré môžete využiť pri cestovaní. Uvádzam všetky tie, ktoré používam, keď cestujem. Sú to najlepšie v triede, pretože sa nemôžete pokaziť a využiť ich na vašej ceste.

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